I’m not a lyricist, but I am a writer. No, I’m a scribe, writing what the Holy Spirit inspires. So don’t expect me to spit rhymes like any of these pseudo rappers of “all time.” Do expect my writing to rhyme slightly to speak to these times.
A time when premarital sex is a YES, and drugs and alcohol are spoken of as the best thing to move a crowd into peacefulness. A time when money and cars define achievement, when depression, anxiety, and stress are masked by fake smiles and varying styles made for brief appeasement. Yes, these are the times I’ve been led to speak to—or would it be cool if I said spit to?
I am a voice chosen to speak through my writing to those who think that knowing OF God can sometimes be used as a tool, yet serving Him could never be COOL. So I ask this group NOT defined by age: what exactly is COOL? Does cool speak to the temperature, or does it reference the newest trend that hasn’t yet been considered out of style? Or better yet, is COOL defined as walking around momentarily relaxed off of your temporal high?
I submit to you, COOL is none of the latter things. Instead, cool is knowing where you will be after these latter days. Knowing that there is only one God, the Creator who gave us all separate but equal opportunity to change our nature. Cool is knowing Him as more than a tool and understand that He is not to be mocked or made a fool. To call on Him even after the court case is over, the child is healed, and after the moments you have been temporarily set free.
I DECLARE to you, generation EVERYONE: serving God is C.O.O.L. because it is the only TRUE C-onnection (that will) O-fficially O-verextend (beyond our) L-ifetime.